I see you beautiful soul. Your heart, your grace, your light.


I see you beautiful soul. Your heart, your grace, your light. ☽︎

kenmare reiki , cora kingerlee

I’m here to serve you in this time of great awakening. I’m a multifaceted healer, spiritual mentor, eternal student of life, and sort of a living breathing mirror.

Reflector 5/2, Intuitive, Healer & straight up Moon Child

Hey Beautiful, I’m Cora

(Think the sleeping beauty mirror except I show you the truest most radiant version of yourself.
And I promise you are always the fairest of them all!

After my own transformative awakening in 2019 I know how wildly disorientating waking from a long life of sleep can be (actually a bit like snow white must’ve felt now that I come to think of it…) but while she had a prince by her side.. you will have me.
I’m infinitely cooler than a prince too!

So I’ve devoted myself to being the mentor I wish I had at that time. Someone to hold me as I truly saw my reflection for the first time and experienced the true depths of my being.

cacao ceremonies in kenmare

I’m here to guide you to reclaim your authentic self as you learn to
break through the boundaries of your perceived limitations,
clear your intuitive channel & tap into that ancient wisdom that can truly bring your once far away dreams into fairytale-worthy reality.


How we can work together

How we can work together

☽︎ How we can work together ☾ How we can work together

I offer 1-1 healing Reiki sessions (online and in person), Kundalini Activations,

spiritual mentorship and life coaching, psychic readings, and children’s Reiki.

I host Cacao Ceremonies, Bridal Blessings, retreats, meditation classes & teach

Reiki Training Courses both in Ireland and Spain.

Through everything I do the essence of empowerment and sovereignty is weaved. I teach you to

unlock your own power, your own magic, your own soul gifts.

I do this by channelling Source energy

and calling in your team of light, guides, angels, all those working beyond the veil for your highest

good. In anything of mine that you attend,

you will receive a powerful activation and leave feeling

completely reconnected to yourself and Source/God/the Universe. You then go away and begin a

process of integration as this new energy, this newly raised vibration integrates and ripples through

your life. Some clients work with me for a year, renewing their contracts again and again. Some

come for one session, one ceremony and that’s enough.

Your body, your Soul will guide you and

guide you to what is right for you at this time



  • “I wasn’t fully sure what I was looking for when I came across Cora on Instagram but was immediately pulled to work with her. She really helped me bridge the gap between my spiritual life/themes to my physical health. My medications have reduced my symptoms but through your guidance and healing I feel like I have broke through to a higher level of wellness that I wouldn’t achieve with just a medical model approach.

    My biggest breakthrough moment with Cora was working on past life trauma, not something I really knew about or believed before it arose in our session. I found it released an incredible amount of emotions I was feeling every day and not sure why. She has so many wonderful tools under her belt, such as tarot and reiki, however it is her beautiful soul and kind heart that changed me the most. Radical self-compassion is not something I could even understand before and now it is embedded at my core. She gave me so many hints and tips to aid me on a daily basis. Her energy and intuition is very powerful, when we finish up a session I always come out feeling happy, safe and beautifully wild and connected” - Eva

  • "Yesterday evening I went for a walk alone in a foreign city. Where before I would have had anxiety coursing through me, this time, I felt only joy. My nervous system was completely at ease. I realised that my body hadn't felt so relaxed in years. I can't really remember ever feeling so relaxed. I sat down under a sycamore tree and ate an ice cream, and I felt such profound peace and contentment, it was hard to believe.

    As I watched the sun go down over the city, and watched the people wandering past - couples, families, friends - I felt as though I was waking up.I felt as though I were finally actually present in my own life. No dissociation, just pure presence. And I felt connected to everything. I kind of felt like I was tripping on magic mushrooms - the sense of connection and of presence was so intense. In some ways, it felt unreal - I think because I was so used to existing in a much more disconnected state.

    Under that tree, I felt like I was actually, finally, the main player in my own life. I finally felt that MY life was MINE and that I would do everything that I wanted. I felt powerful and calm and so so so happy. I never thought that this level of embodiment or empowerment was possible for me. (I'm actually getting emotional writing this lol!) Thank you."

  • “I came across Cora’s Soul Fire Sessions at a time in my life when I felt very overwhelmed and disconnected from myself. Having just finished an intense three year college course, I felt drained and tired. At first I was nervous and unsure about the session – I hadn’t done anything like this in so long, nothing spiritual, nothing healing, and certainly nothing soulful!

    I decided I needed to take a chance and do something bold, and do it for me! Cora is such a wonderful healer and facilitator. I felt so relaxed and cared for. Not only is she a powerful energetic healer and communicator, but she is extremely knowledgeable and she offered in-depth advice and feedback, both before and after.

    Since working with Cora, I have felt so empowered and grounded. She gave me some advice about simple, easy practises that I can incorporate into my life that help me feel more whole. Since, I have felt more connected to my body and so much more confident. It’s almost hard to imagine how I was living my life before!”

    - Lara