
“I have had a niggling pain in my right knee for a number of weeks during the months of March and April. It followed my commencing regular exercise at our local leisure centre. I used Voltorol gel but with little effect. I had some limited experience with Reiki in the past so decided to try such treatment again and found Cora through local web search. She is very professional and I was amazed at how the pain lessened considerably just after one session and had gone completely after the second. I highly recommend her expertise.”

— Michael, Reiki Healing (In Person)

“I have had several of Cora's Kundalini Reiki sessions which was key to helping me move past trauma in my life and rekindle my joy and inspiration. She is gifted.”

— Annmarie, Kundalini Activation and Reiki Healing (Online/Zoom)

“Wow Cora I just had my baby and you got both the gender right and the due date - all from doing a reiki session on me two weeks ago. I'm shook. You need to be a prenatal reiki guru! I'm fascinated by it and felt very calm and collected going into this birth knowing you had seen my baby, he was healthy and was to be born in a positive manner, all of which was the exact reality of my experience. You are amazing. Thank you.”

— Beth, Reiki Healing Session (Online/Zoom)

“Hey Cora, so sorry I haven’t replied in ages! I got the best news on Tuesday and I have just been so busy trying to get my life back on track now! You’re one of the first to know though as it should be, since I really do believe that all of your support and reiki and teaching did 70% of the healing that I so badly needed! Thank you so much Cora. The surgeon even said that I won’t need any radiation, and they’re not even asking me to do more chemo (I did less than half of it cause I couldn’t stand the side effects). I am so happy and grateful.”

— Mairead, Reiki Level 1 Student and 1-1 Mentorship Client

“My Kundalini Activation session with Cora was beautiful. Cora has such a lovely presence - she is calm, has a gentle nature and really made me feel safe and at ease when holding space for me during our session. I could feel my tension and worries float away during the treatment and I felt so refreshed afterwards. Cora is very gifted and really tunes into her clients energy and their needs. Cora pulled a card for me after our session which really resonated with me and followed up with aftercare suggestions. I would highly recommend Cora, she is absolutely brilliant at what she does! 🤍”

— Chloe, Kundalini Activation (Zoom Online Session)

“So delighted to have worked with Cora for two healing sessions for my dad done as distance healing since he was too ill to go anywhere in person. Not only did it give him some pain relief which is absolutely priceless, but I have no doubt it's contributed to a more comfortable speedy healing over all. Looking forward to working with Cora again!”

— Tara, Reiki Healing (Distance Healing)

“I’ve done a few healing sessions with Cora in different forms now, from women’s retreats, to chakra meditations, online reiki sessions to most recently where Cora facilitated my bridal blessing on a gorgeous beach in Sunny Nerja. Cora holds the most beautiful, sacred, safe space for healing, releasing & opening up to create space in mind & body. She guides you deeper into body so authentically. She has such an energy about her that you immediately feel safe and so can surrender to whatever is. Cora created the bridal blessing of my dreams. She thought of it all. So personalised. So special. All of the rituals she guided us through were so special. Memories I’ll cherish forever. She is sunshine in human form. I’d highly recommend Cora & her work in whatever form you feel called.”

— Denise, Bridal Blessing Ceremony and Reiki Healing (Online/Zoom)

“I feel very lucky to have found a practitioner as gifted as Cora! I love doing healing work as a way to stay healthy and to clear blocks that may be getting in the way of feeling my best. After every session with Cora, I feel lighter, have learned insights and walk away with healing tips I can do on my own to continue to feel that way. I look forward to continuing to work with her!”

— Mary Beth, Reiki Healing (In Person)

“I really enjoyed the Raw Power course. I’ve never done anything like that before but felt very drawn to it after my initial chat with Cora. Each week brought me on a different journey and process. Some sessions were quite gentle while others left me feeling more intensity. I felt so vibrant and free during it and had a different level of energy. I journaled between sessions and was really surprised with what came out. It was a gorgeous nurturing process and I think everyone should do it! I’ve had some major changes in my life since starting the course, job change, pregnancy, clarity in relationships. While it didn’t all happen at once on the course, the kundalini energy definitely helped me to find alignment in my life. I’m so grateful to Cora for sharing her magic. And hope that the next group gets as much from the course as I did.”

— Anon, ‘Your Raw Power’, 6 Week Online Kundalini Activation Course (Online/Zoom)

“I feel amazing today Cora! Even though I'm tired I feel like I've been washed with a new sense of excitement and creativity and confidence. My skin and hair were admired today and I feel like they're glowing ❤️”

— Ruth, ‘Your Raw Power’, 6 Week Kundalini Activation Course (Online/Zoom)

“I went from feeling lost and unconnected to balanced and in alignment, creating the life I want for myself. Cora really knows what she's doing and if you're on the fence about signing in, just do it! You won't be disappointed!”

— Chakra Glitter, Chakra Healing & Manifestation Online Course

“Invest in yourself, Cora is amazing, anytime spent in space she holds is invaluable x”

— Chakra Glitter, Chakra Healing & Manifestation Online Course

“Cora is amazing. I highly recommend working with Cora. Her cacao medicine journey took me deep into my subconscious and I was able to clear old outdated programmes. Cora is kind, soft, caring, trustworthy and genuine. I look forward to working with Cora again soon. Thank you!xx.”

— Niamh, Cacao Ceremony and Shamanic Healing Journey

“Wow, working with Cora in A W A K E N was absolutely amazing! She is so intuitive and created such a safe and supportive space where I learned life changing skills. The group environment also allowed me to connect with beautiful like minded people. Would highly recommend working with Cora!”

— Julie, 12 Week Online Spiritual Awakening Course

“This lady is absolutely incredible! If you are feeling stuck in areas of your life, her form of energy work will activate you! I’ve done her Soul Fire Sessions. Absolutely transformational!”

— Annmarie, Reiki Healing and Kundalini Activation (Online/Zoom)

“I use Reiki daily on myself, kids', family, friends, pet's, etc. To know that I can provide healing to myself, my kids and others is an incredible modality to have and be able to share at any time. Reiki has provided me with more energy, calmness, better sleep, easing migraines and pain etc. My kids absolutely love Reiki as it helps them to relax, fall sleep, get a good night's rest along with easing anxiety, upset tummies and constipation etc. Reiki has reduced stress & tension in our household, leading to a calmer environment. I am still exploring, the endless uses and benefits which is all so fascinating. I intend to do my Reiki Master course with Cora and be able to teach my kids and family this wonderful practical life-management tool for everyday use into their future.”

— Julieanne, Reiki Level 1 & 2 Trainings

“Absolutely magical. My experience with Cora was extremely powerful and so vibrant! My entire energy flow was cleansed and revitalised clearing me of stagnancy and old residue. I have not felt so grounded in a long time, my body feels connected and tethered to the core of the earth. I gained experience with some practices I can use at home to nourish myself each day and continue the magic we experienced during this session. I feel so cleansed, light but strong, confident yet grounded and like I have shed a layer that was no longer serving me! Magical, beautiful, powerful. So grateful for this experience, thank you Cora.”

— Emily, Reiki Healing Session (Online/Zoom)

“I did my Reiki Level 1 & 2 training with Cora and received both Certificates which I am very proud of. Everything from my initial enquiry about the course, the 2 weekends of training & spending time with likeminded girls, each on their individual journey, to date has been an amazing experience. Cora is such a lovely person who is easy going and supports you every step of the way. Her insight & knowledge is invaluable to my journey. Reiki for me is so intriguing as it is universal with endless uses to benefit yourself and everyone, near and at a distance - "worldwide" physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.”

— Julieanne, Reiki Level 1 & 2 Trainings

“The energy moving from my stomach and solar plexus through my phone caused my phone to get so hot it actually stopped working! That is just mind-blowing for me. It was just the most powerful thing. My whole body was boiling hot. At different parts of the Kundalini Activation my body was jerking, my neck and my head were moving over to the right a little. I could feel so much heat, so much energy releasing and stagnation moving through my body. Then there was this deep state of rest towards the end of the meditation. So relaxed. Had the deepest sleep. I woke up feeling brand new this morning. Yesterday I was feeling so depleted of energy. I know all I needed was to move but I didn’t have the energy so thankfully Cora’s Kundalini Activation saved the day!”

— Denise, Group Kundalini Activation Session (Online/Zoom)

“I had bad ear pain for 1 week, I decided to go to Cora for Reiki to see if it would help. During the session I felt a releasing sensation from my ear. After the session the pain was completely gone! Along with being a migraine sufferer, I also get ear pain, sharp pains coming & going from my ear to my head. It was really getting me down. I’m so happy I decided to go to Cora for one of her special Reiki sessions. Highly recommend!”

— Rachel, Reiki Session

“It was without question one of the most rewarding and effective treatments I have ever had! I felt so great after it yesterday, so calm...thank you!”

— Orla, Reiki Session

“Had the most amazing Reiki experience with Cora. I felt so relaxed, at ease and so zen during the session. A wonderful experience. Would highly recommend her. Feeling very energised after the Reiki.”

— Edel, Reiki Session

“I signed up to Chakra Glitter because I felt lost, and to be quite honest, full of fear for what my future could hold. I felt really disconnected from my intuition and the world around me. Like there was something blocking me from my wants and desires. It's crazy to see how much has change since then. I feel grounded, balanced, and the sense of fear is nearly non existent. And the best of it all is seeing how things I wanted to manifest are happening.”

— Chakra Glitter, Chakra Healing & Manifestation Online Course

“Since working with Cora, I have felt so empowered and grounded. She gave me some advice about simple, easy practises that I can incorporate into my life that help me feel more whole. Since, I have felt more connected to my body and so much more confident. It’s almost hard to imagine how I was living my life before!”

— Lara, Reiki Healing and Kundalini Activation (Online/Zoom)

“Since the Kundalini meditation I have felt an expansion in my creativity and glimmers of sensuality. They are weaving together to illuminate the path ahead. I have already begun writing the foundation for a reflective book, a new creative course and firmed in my artistic business structure. in addition, my sensuality has begun to bloom again after a time of suppression after having children. I feel like an absolute goddess at times. All of this leading to a deeper connection with my love of my soulmate, my art & my life. I am truly grateful Cora!

— Anon, Kundalini Activation (Online/Zoom)