My path of awakening.

(And how I can help you on yours.)

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably begun having spiritual experiences, synchronicities, things you cannot explain.

You meditate, do yoga, but you know there’s more for you to tap into.

You want the right guidance with this. Someone who gets it & believe me beautiful soul, I get it.

You are going through a spiritual awakening and right now you’re struggling with understanding it, going deeper, and what’s next for you.

I totally get it.

Before my spiritual awakening began in 2019, I was completely numb, disconnected and ‘tuned out’.

Now I am ‘tuned in’ and life is completely different. It’s glorious.
I live an abundant life filled with adventure, fulfilment, freedom and meaningful connection.

I want this for you too.

I’m Cora

reiki healer in kenmare

I work with all sorts of people from all walks of life who are awakening during these times of great change that we are in.

I empower my clients who are struggling with figuring out who they are, why they’re here, with translating and understanding the changes that are occurring, the spiritual experiences they are having, the meaning behind it all.

I help you to understand. To clear your intuitive channel so you can recover that direct connection to Source that you had as a child.

To peel back the layers of conditioning and trauma to see and recover who you really are.

To reclaim your creativity, your soul gifts,

your passion for life.

To fall in love with yourself once again & remember who you were before the world told you who to be.


Before I awoke in 2019 I was completely numb, disconnected, tuned out and full of unacknowledged trauma. I always struggled with my mental health, anxiety and chronic lower back pain since I was in my teens. The catalyst for a lot of pain and trauma that exploded in my teen years stemmed from sexual abuse when I was 12.

I spiralled then into years of anxiety, pain, an eating disorder and then heavy alcohol and substance abuse.

After years of numbing and running away from myself, this was very physical also as I physically left Ireland and moved away several times – thinking this would ‘fix me’.

The truth was nothing was going to help ease my pain until I myself acknowledged and took the time to sit with this. This time came, like for many I imagine, when we globally had a lot of reflection and home time in 2020. There was no hiding anymore.

I began seeing a homeopath in 2020 which changed everything for me. She helped me open up energetically just enough to start to see that I needed some help.

I needed to ask for help. So I did.

cacao and meditation kenmare

After a short 6 month stint on anti anxiety medication, working closely with a homeopath, more nature and quiet time than I’d ever had since I was a child, and the support of my loved ones I began to heal and open up. I then spotted an Instagram add for a Reiki Level 1 course in Dublin that summer of 2020 and I signed up immediately.

The pull was like nothing I’d felt before.

I had been for energy healing once in 2018 on a friends recommendation but apart from that I was completely closed off and knew nothing of it, or the world of energy. I made the choice then not to return to Dublin to work as an PA as I always had done, but to go to college to study energy in the form of the energetic medicine homeopathy. I was terrified, I was used to having a consistent, fairly comfortable income and with this decision came the choice to work alongside college as a nanny to earn the money I needed to pay for college and life in Dublin.

It was the first time I’d ever taken a blind leap of faith like this. Fast forward to early 2021, a year later I had completed my Reiki Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 Master/Teacher Level trainings.

I was also doing Shamanic training and my consciousness just exploded.

My psychic gifts were all coming online.

my inner sight, inner-knowing, feeling energies and Spirit.

It was an intense but beautiful time.

I also at this stage started a 1 year mentorship program to help me sink deeper into shadow work and to be held and supported in all that was coming up for me.

When we expand our consciousness and begin to heal, we strip back the layers, limiting beliefs, trauma, conditioning, and this can be a lot. So if you are on this path, I would highly recommend working with someone you trust and feel drawn towards, whether that’s myself or another mentor.

As I can say hand on heart I don’t know how I would have gotten through that time without my mentor! The support was invaluable. It was because I was held in that mentorship container with such unconditional love and support, that I felt so seen and heard, that I was able to go so deep and journey to the depths I did.

Some people don’t like to go into their shadow, they don’t like to go too deep into themselves but I do. I know that’s where the magic is.

cora kingerlee healing and reiki

The size of the contraction is directly proportional

to the size of the expansion

And it’s part of my work and mission here in this life to support those who are called to work with me,
through that same process.

It would be my honour to work with you and walk together along this path. You can see my offerings here.