Location: ‘The Doctor’s Study’, 3rd Floor, O’Sheas, 27 Main St, Kenmare, Co. Kerry.

Intuitive Healing

60 minute healing session at The Kenmare Reiki Clinic, Kenmare, Co. Kerry.
Choose from Reiki or Rahanni Celestial Energy Healing on the day. Reiki and Rahanni are both gentle energy healing techniques which remove blockages from the energy body, release pain and bring your entire life into more harmony. Reiki works specifically on rejuvinating the life force energy for deep healing and quantum leaps in life, basically getting you into alignment and living your best life. Rahanni means ‘of one heart’ and I channel the angels and Archangels in these sessions for you to experience profound, blissful angelic healing.

Kundalini Activation

60 minute activation and healing session focused on gently activating the Kundalini Energy. In Sanskrit, Kundalini means coiled snake and is your divine feminine energy which is coiled (dormant until you activate it) at the base of your spine (under the root chakra). This is for everyone, not just women, we all have masculine and feminine energies within us (yin/yang) and this work is very much about activating and bringing these energies into balance and union. This energy when activated can lead to spiritual enlightenment, and abundance in all forms - health, love, joy and wealth and prosperity in life. Kundalini energy can be activated in several ways, including meditation, breathing, prayer, yoga, mantra and the way that I practise using my own special symbol downloaded from Mary Magdalene two years ago. There can be a lot of hype and talk about Kundalini awakening, there is a lot online about it nowadays, dramatic videos of people writhing on the floor etc but it's my belief it doesn't need to be this intense (of course if this resonates with you, amazing) but my guidance was to teach and awaken with this symbol in a much more gentle and calm way so that is what these sessions are. Powerful, yet gentle and profound.

Emotion Code/Body Code Healing

If you are experiencing physical or emotional symptoms, or both, there is very likely be stuck emotions or energetic blocks in the body and subconscious mind. The Emotion Code and Body Code are powerful methods of releasing these blockages to allow for efficient healing. We can clear money blocks, curse energies, the energy of pathogens like mold, parasites, viruses, toxins in the body. Disconnections in the energetic system. It’s all just energy that can be moved and cleared. We can also clear heart walls and the associated emotions that may be blocking you from experiencing and receiving the love you desire.