Energy and Chakras.
WHY so important to take good care of your energy?
Einstein said, “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”
Quantum physicists have discovered that physical atoms (it’s estimated that the average human cell contains 100 trillion atoms) are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating, each one radiating its own unique energetic frequency. And this is why we can logically reason, that we are energetic beings, made up up energy.
So the most logical thing to do when we feel off, sick, stressed, not ourselves, struggling in any way, or disconnected should be to right away get to working on our energy. This is both the Source and the answer.
Your personal energy field consists of the energy that flows through and around your body. This invisible energy field can also be called your aura, as it gives out electromagnetic energy and radiates light.
The human energy field has multiple layers — four of them — and each has its own function:
Physical: Directly connected to the physical body
Emotional: Contains emotions and feelings
Mental: Linked to thoughts, beliefs, and mental processes
Spiritual: What connects humans with the divine/source energy
Your personal energy field has seven main energy centers. These are known as your chakras. These energy centers keep your energy flowing clearly and beautifully throughout the body. They can also get clogged up with stagnant energy, other people’s energy, toxins and general, day to day energy we pick up. This is why it’s SO important to have an energy cleansing practise. So you can keep your chakras clear, aligned and balanced. Thus keeping your energy, YOU and your LIFE aligned and balanced.
Your Chakras are as follows:
Root Chakra: associated with the colour red, safety, career, finances, family, home, your place in the world
Unbalanced: shaky, lower back pain, ungrounded, unsafe, insecure, life feels chaotic and unsettled, pain/stiffness in the legs and feet
Sacral Chakra: associated with the colour orange, emotional centre, sexuality, passion, divine feminine energy centre, inner fire, creativity
Unbalanced: lower back pain, ovarian cysts, constant UTI’s, bladder/kidney issues, sexual or reproductive issues, lack of creativity or passion
Solar Plexus Chakra: associated with the colour yellow, inner strength, divine masculine energy centre, inner power, confidence, ego, self worth
Unbalanced: digestive problems, liver dysfunction, chapped lips, feeling tired and lethargic, lack of motivation or willpower
Heart Chakra: associated with the colour green, giving and receiving love, compassion, empathy, self love
Unbalanced: lowered immune system, lung or heart issues, asthma, respiratory issues, lack of self love, shy, possessive, jealousy, fear of intimacy
Throat Chakra: associated with the colour blue, creative expression, self expression, speaking your truth, clear communication, confidence
Unbalanced: shy/weak voice, fear of speaking in public or in front of others, poor communication style, exaggerating or telling lies, throat/mouth/neck/teeth issues, inability to listen actively, interrupting, jumping ahead in a conversation
Third Eye Chakra: associated with the colour indigo, inner sight, inner vision, enlightenment, greater understanding of the Universe
Unbalanced: headaches, blurred vision, imbalanced hormones, sleep issues, disconnection from your intuition, lack of clarity or focus, anxiety
Crown Chakra: associated with the colour violet, connection to the Divine, sense of Universal consciousness, receiving downloads from Source
Unbalanced: depression, sensitivity to light, migraines, lack of connection to the Divine, constant cynicism, closed mind-edness, obsession with spirituality
Daily Chakra Balancing Practise you can start today:
Set aside 20 minutes where you will not be disturbed
Settle into a calming, sacred space, perhaps put on some relaxing music or sound bowls on youtube, light a candle, turn off any big lights
Begin to meditate (focus all of your attention and intention on each chakra) one by one, become the observor, noticing any sensations, thoughts, feelings, not judging, simply observing
Start at the root chakra which looks visually like a red spinning wheel, as you inhale see this red light beaming brighter and wheel spinning faster and set the intention to release any energy that is not beneficial for you. Setting your intention is the process of creating a clear and focused mental or emotional intention for a specific goal or outcome
Spend 5 minutes on each Chakra moving up through the body. Root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, crown. Visualise the colours of each, breathe deeply and release any energy by visualising, feeling, sensing the energy running down your legs and out through your feet down in the Earth beneath you. You can also visualise roots descending from your feet down into the Earth for extra amplification.