What is Energy Healing?

What is Energy Healing? A Beginner's Guide

Welcome to the world of Energy Healing! If you've landed on this page, you might be curious about what exactly Energy Healing is and how it can benefit you. As a 32-year-old entrepreneur who has been on a BIG journey of reconnection and self healing; dedicated to helping people reconnect with their souls and tap into Source Energy for healing and personal growth, I am very excited to guide you through this introductory journey! :)

At its core, Energy Healing is a holistic approach to wellness that recognizes the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit. It operates on the principle that everything is made up of energy, and by balancing and channeling this energy, we can promote healing on multiple levels.

So, what exactly does an energy healer do?

Reconnecting with the Soul:
One of the primary objectives of energy healing is to facilitate a deeper connection with one's soul or inner being. In today's fast-paced world, many of us become disconnected from our true selves due to stress, trauma, or societal pressures/conditioning. Energy healing techniques, such as Reiki and Shamanic Healing, help individuals tap into their inner wisdom and rediscover their authentic selves.

Accessing Source Energy:
Energy Healers act as conduits for Universal or Source Energy, which is abundant, omnipresent, limitless. This divine energy flows through all living beings, and by harnessing it, healers can facilitate healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Through practices like meditation, visualization, and hands-on healing, Energy Healers help clients access and utilize this powerful energy for their well-being.

Healing Mental and Physical Ailments:
Energy Healing is a versatile modality that can address a wide range of health issues, including anxiety, depression, disconnection, numbness and disassociation, recovering from eating disorders, traumatic experiences, chronic pain, and so much more. By clearing energetic blockages, rebalancing the chakras (energy centers), and restoring the body's natural flow of energy, healers support the body's innate ability to heal itself. It's important to note that while Energy Healing can complement conventional medical treatment, it is not a replacement for professional medical care. It’s also important to note that a healer is not HEALING you per se, they are channeling and acting as the conduit for Source Energy to flow through you and stimulate your bodies own natural healing process.

Promoting Inner Harmony and Balance:
Beyond addressing specific ailments, Energy Healing aims to promote overall well-being and inner harmony. By aligning the body, mind, and spirit, individuals can experience greater peace, clarity, and vitality in their lives. Energy Healing sessions leave clients feeling lighter, more centered, and better equipped to navigate life's challenges. They feel brighter, more confident, more aligned and clear on the path they are taking in life.

If you're new to Energy Healing, you may be wondering how it actually works. Your Energy Healer will energetically open up a safe space in the room for healing to occur. In the case of Reiki and Shamanic Healing, Cora will call in the Reiki Energy to begin to flow freely from her hands. Cora acts as the conduit channeling this energy for the client. The Reiki Energy goes wherever it’s needed in the clients body and begins to stimulate the bodies own natural healing process. The client lies down for approximately 45 minutes in a cosy, warm, spa type environment, low lights, candles, relaxing music, eye mask and generally drifts into a peaceful meditative/trance like state. Clients then wake up feeling completely blissed out, at peace, calm, connected and like they have had a full body, mind, soul reset. Clients report tangible benefits from Cora’s form of Energy Healing including reduced stress, improved mood, and enhanced vitality. Clients also regularly report a deep connection to self forming and an aligning to their desired path in life, whether that’s a career change, a new relationship, starting a family, heading off to travel the world or simply taking the time to reconnect with who you really are. It’s different for everyone.

As you embark on your journey with Energy Healing, remember that it's a deeply personal and transformative experience. Each session is unique, and the effects may vary from person to person. Whether you're seeking relief from physical discomfort, emotional turmoil, or simply a deeper connection with your true self, Energy Healing offers a gentle yet powerful path to healing and self-discovery.

If you're ready to experience the transformative power of Energy Healing, I invite you to explore the services offered on my website and take the first step towards a more vibrant, balanced, and fulfilling life. Together, we can embark on a journey of healing, growth, and self-discovery.


Energy and Chakras.